Publicerade forskningsstudier
Här kan du läsa publicerade forskningsstudier där vi har medverkat.
- A qualitative interview study of patient experiences of receiving motivational enhancement therapy in a Swedish addiction specialist treatment setting (Ingesson Hammarberg)
- Keeping Track of My Drinking - Patient Perceptions of Using Smartphone Applications as a Treatment Complement for Alcohol Dependence (Östh)
- Behavioural self-control training versus motivational enhancement therapy for individuals with alcohol use disorder with a goal of controlled drinking: A randomized controlled trial (Ingesson Hammarberg)
- The efficacy of an internet‐based cognitive behavioral program added to treatment‐as‐usual for (Hyland)
- A shift in focus: Mothers’ descriptions of sharing a child with a co‑parent
with unhealthy alcohol use after participating in a support program (Siljeholm)
- Psychometric evaluation of a Swedish version of the Impaired Control Scale for individuals with alcohol use disorder (Ingesson)
- Exercise as treatment for alcohol use disorder: A qualitative study (Gunillasdotter)
- Fit for Change: Effects of exercise in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: A three-armed randomized controlled trial (Gunillasdotter)
- An online self‑directed program combining Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training and parenting training for concerned significant others sharing a child with a person with problematic alcohol consumption: a randomized controlled trial (Siljeholm)
- Treatment of alcohol dependence in Swedish primary care: perceptions
among general practitioners (Hyland)
- Internet‐based therapy versus face‐to‐face therapy for alcohol use disorder, a randomized controlled non‐inferiority trial (Johansson)
- Treating alcohol use disorders in primary care – a qualitative evaluation of a new innovation: the 15-method (Wallhed Finn)
- Efficacy of an Internet-Based Community Reinforcement and Family Training Program to Increase Treatment Engagement for AUD and to Improve Psychiatric Health for CSOs: A Randomized Controlled Trial (EÉk och Romberg)
- Dose–Response Characteristics of the Alcohol Biomarker Phosphatidylethanol (PEth)—A Study of Outpatients in Treatment for Reduced Drinking (Helander och Hermansson)
- The Efficacy of iCBT Added to Treatment as Usual for Alcohol-Dependent Patients in Primary Care: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Hyland)
- Combining online Community Reinforcement and Family Training
(CRAFT) with a parent-training programme for parents with partners suffering from alcohol use disorder: study protocol for a randomised
controlled trial (Siljeholm) - Treatment for Alcohol Dependence in Primary Care Compared to Outpatient Specialist Treatment—A Randomized Controlled Trial (Wallhed Finn)
- Behandling av alkoholproblem för äldre: En inventering av kunskapsläget och resultat från pågående forskning (Wallhed Finn)